Surfaces finishes : chiselled, bush hammered, weathered.
Arch element’s cutting with a stone-cutter’s tool (hammer with both ends cutting).
Display of the arch and the jambs.
Tuff was formed by limestone deposits on vegetation found in small shallow streams and by waterfalls. The vegetation then disappeared and left empty spaces (hollow tubes, alveoli) which characterize this type of stone.
Before works.
Carved stone jambs.
Preparation for the lowered arch installation.
Vault pediment's carving.
Details for another stone. Surface finishes : chiselled, bush-hammered.
Drawing on stone.
Girder carving.
Rough fireplace side (leg).
Side carving.
Carving with the stone-cutter’s chisel.
The interlaces letters I and S are the initials belong to the relative who constructed the house.